Shortlinks allow you to provide short, simple directions to destinations on your website or anywhere else on the Internet. When a user enters your shortlink in their browser, they'll be redirected to the destination you specified, just like they had typed in the original web address.
Sometimes similar needs come up over and over again: you've got a new call list for your volunteers, or new event you want signups for. Since you can change where shortlinks point at any time, you can give your supporters one thing to remmeber and change where it leads them when you need it to. For example [your domain]/calls might lead to a different Google sheet every week, or take supporters to a Google Sheet now but a Virtual Phone Bank site later on if you've got one set up closer to the election.
When your supporters enter a shortlink, we can record some high level information about them--are they on their laptop or on a phone? What browser are they using?--which can help shed light on how your supporters are engaging with you online.
When you sign up for LeftApps, we'll work with you to pick a short domain name that fits your candidate or organization. From that point, LeftApps handles domain setup and maintanance. You make and edit your shortlinks from a simple web interface: just say what you want the link to be called and where you want it to go.
It's easy to add colleagues to LeftApps to make and manage links using your same shortlink domain as well.
Detailed, automated, near-real-time reporting for your ActBlue fundraising.
A texting platform that's easy for staff and volunteers to use and the lowest cost P2P option, period.
An automated, personalized program to encourage your supporters and recognize them for bringing in donations.
Get your events on your supporters' calendars when they RSVP and get better turnout.